Join us as we create a MOVEMENT!

Natural Family Month

flower in hands

The family is vitally important, it has been the foundation of all societies down through the ages. Isn't that Amazing? Isn't that worth Celebrating?

That is exactly why we have initiated an annual Natural Family Celebration from Mother's Day thru Father's Day. Celebrating the family is a wonderful opportunity to restore the natural family to a whole and healthy state.

It is here where we can reclaim the foundation of all societies.

"one biological born male and one biological born woman committed in a lifelong monogamous relationship to include their biological or adopted children."

flower in hands

"Where there is no vision the people perish"

The American family is in pretty bad shape because we have flat out lost the vision of what family was meant to be.

The good news is, we are not too far gone. We can still get the family into shape.

Lets come together to rebuild our nations beautiful vision of family.

Consider The Natural Family Strong as your own personal trainer.

We will equip you with a Roadmap and the tools to build a stronger church, society, culture and strength of national unity.



flower in hands


Minimum Order 30 signs and stakes for $250.00 delivered
(less than $8.50 per sign) PAY BY CHECK

Make checks payable to:
D and L Signs

Mail your check to:
Natural Family Month
174825 Willow Lane,
Hatley, WI 54440
Be sure to include your mailing address, phone and email

or call JR at 614-890-4008


  • Set up an appointment with your local mayor, bring a SIGN and a copy of the RESOLUTION, and ask for the city/town to recognize NATURAL FAMILY MONTH
  • Take a sign to local Churches, Organizations and/or Businesses, bring a SIGN and a copy of the FLYER, and ask them to support NATURAL FAMILY MONTH
  • Share with Neighbors & Friends, bring a SIGN and a copy of the FLYER, and ask them to support NATURAL FAMILY MONTH