Friends and Family

Organizations  Click on the title to visit website

Last Call Radio Our Podcast

Saving God's Children

SafeKids Now

Save the Storks

Liberty Action Network

National Center for Fathering

Our Beloved Grace; The dangers of hospital protocol

Movieguide Guide to family movies and entertainment

Citizens for Free Speech (CFFS) Patrick Wood

OMEGA DYNAMICS Jamie Walden: Teach Train and Equip

Jerry Day Productions_documentaries videos

Public Advocate of the United States

Million Kids; Keeping Kids Safe

Ed-Exit: To provide support for homeschooling

Tactical Civics: solutions and ways to do something

The American View: Learn the Constitution

Sound The Alarm Brigade: Get involved file petitiions

Constitution Club: Education with up dates

Friends of Liberty United is a community of liberty minded individuals and organizations

Mission America: Linda Harvey  family advocat

Moms For America: Moms healing America helping moms

The Father Effect: Being a better father, husband, man

Minutemen United: Making the church great again

 Sharia Crime Stoppers: site attacked

Building Truth: Informing American public of the roots of America

North American Law Center: JB Williams justice system, legal help

I Belong Amen: David Arthur, Residue Guide, removing strong holds on your life

Radio Host/ Media

Get the Real News: Messano News; excellent resource

Sons of Liberty with Bradley Dean

 Wisconsin Christian News podcast and TV  

Last Call Radio video with BJ Edwards


Greg Hopkins

American Minute; Bill Federer

Senator Mark Pody

Masson Weaver

The Daily Rant     

 James Simpson; Red Green Axis

Constitution Club


The Natural Family Foundation


Office Hours
Mon-Fri | 9:00am - 5:00pm ET


Conference calls take place At 7:30 ET on varied Sundays
If you would like to be notified about our conference call
send us a message by Email from the contact page.