Friends and Family
Organizations Click on the title to visit website
Our Beloved Grace; The dangers of hospital protocol
Movieguide Guide to family movies and entertainment
Citizens for Free Speech (CFFS) Patrick Wood
OMEGA DYNAMICS Jamie Walden: Teach Train and Equip
Jerry Day Productions_documentaries videos
Public Advocate of the United States
Million Kids; Keeping Kids Safe
Ed-Exit: To provide support for homeschooling
Tactical Civics: solutions and ways to do something
The American View: Learn the Constitution
Sound The Alarm Brigade: Get involved file petitiions
Constitution Club: Education with up dates
Friends of Liberty United is a community of liberty minded individuals and organizations
Mission America: Linda Harvey family advocat
Moms For America: Moms healing America helping moms
The Father Effect: Being a better father, husband, man
Minutemen United: Making the church great again
Sharia Crime Stoppers: site attacked
Building Truth: Informing American public of the roots of America
North American Law Center: JB Williams justice system, legal help
I Belong Amen: David Arthur, Residue Guide, removing strong holds on your life
Radio Host/ Media
Get the Real News: Messano News; excellent resource
Sons of Liberty with Bradley Dean
Wisconsin Christian News podcast and TV
Last Call Radio video with BJ Edwards